"Mariano Reséndez"

El dueto Los Alegres de Terán

Año de mil novecientos                                                               The year nineteen hundred

Dejó recuerdos muy grandes:                                                       left a lot of great memories:

Murió Mariano Reséndez;                                                            Mariano Reséndez died;

Lo aprehendió Nieves Hernández.                                                Nieves Hernández apprehended him.

En su rancho, que era El Charo                                                    In his ranch, that was El Charo

Día martes desdichado,                                                                unluckily on a Tuesday,

No pudo el hombre salvarse                                                         The man was not able to escape

Porque amaneció sitiado.                                                             Because he was surrounded when he awoke.

Le iban a quebrar la puerta                                                          They were going to break down the door

Cuando llegaba su hermano;                                                        when his brother arrived;

Con ansia le preguntaban:                                                            Anxiously they asked:

--¿Dónde se halla don Mariano?                                                  Where is Mr. Mariano?

Don José Maria Reséndez,                                                          Mr. Jose Maria Reséndez,

Su contestación fue buena:                                                          his answer was good:

--Señores, yo no se nada;                                                            Gentlemen, I know nothing;

yo vengo de Santa Elena.                                                            I came from Santa Elena.

El carro en que iba Mariano                                                        The car that Mariano was in

Iba rodeado de lanzas;                                                                was surrounded by lances;

Decía Mariano Reséndez:                                                          Mariano Reséndez was saying:

--no pierdo las esperanzas.                                                         I will not lose hope.

Como le tuvieron miedo                                                             Like they were afraid

que recibiera algún cargo,                                                         that he would be charged,

Lo mataron intermedio                                                             They killed him between

De Agualeguas y Cerralvo.                                                     Agualeguas and Cerralvo.

Empleaditos de Guerrero,                                                        Employees of Guerrero,

A todos los llevo en lista;                                                        they were all on his list;

Ya no morirán de susto,                                                         You should not be scared to death,

Ya murió <<El Contrabandista>>                                            the smuggler is dead.

Estado de Tamaulipas,                                                           State of Tamaulipas,

El municipio de Méndez,                                                        the town of Méndez,

Por culpa del Contrabando                                                     because of the contraband

Murió Mariano Reséndez.                                                      Mariano Reséndez is dead.