November 17, 2010



1.    2nd Vice President Al Flores started the meeting at approximately 6:24PM, welcomed everyone and asked that they give the names they are researching.



2.    The Mr. Edward Hinojosa made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Jerry Nevarez seconds the motion.



3.    The treasurer’s report balance submitted was $15,679.50; the report was accepted as read.



4.   Mr. Jerry Nevarez reported that we’re waiting to get the exact date for next year’s conference in San Antonio.



5.   The Talento Bilingue de Houston at 333 S. Jensen will be showing a Movie Premier ”Broken Promise” based on the book “Life Rocks and Rolls…a Broken Promise” by UTPA Alumni Eddie Howell.  Tickets are $10 per person on Saturday, November 20th, 6:30PM.





·         The elections for President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Publicity Chairperson for the 2011 year were postponed until the January meeting due to low attendance.


·         Mr. Flores invited everyone to Juan Hernandez’s annual Christmas Party Saturday December 11, 2010, at 3905 Curry Rd. Manvel TX 77578 at 6:30PM with live music at 8PM



Mr. Jerry Nevarez reminded everyone that we need articles for the next Journal 2011.




Ms Candy Torres displayed a power point presentation of pictures of her recent visit to Puerto Rico.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:24PM.  The next meeting will be held January 19, 2011.





Respectfully submitted,

Josephine Mendoza

Secretary, HGS